Mahila Saarthi Project Gets Official Nod from Uttarakhand Government

#mahilasaarthinews Uttarakhand News: महिलाओं को सशक्त बनाने के लिए राज्य सरकार की नई पहल, वाहनों की खरीदी में 50 फीसदी मिलेगी सब्सिडी   Uttarakhand News: उत्तराखंड में महिलाओं को सशक्त बनाने के लिए उत्तराखंड सरकार एक नई योजना लाने जा रही है. इसमें महिलाओं को वाहन दिलाने में राज्य सरकार मदद करेगी और वाहन पर 50 प्रतिशत सब्सिडी सरकार देने जा रही है. ये योजना महिलाओं के लिए स्वरोजगार के लिए है. उत्तराखंड में पहले चरण के इस योजना को देहरादून, हरिद्वार,उधम सिंह नगर,और नैनीताल,शुरू किया जाएगा. बता दें कि ऐसी महिलाएं और बालिकाएं जो  आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर है. उनको स्वरोजगार के लिए सरकार 50 फीसदी अनुदान (सब्सिडी) पर बाइक, स्कूटी, ऑटो और कार देगी. वहीं, शेष 50 फीसदी का ऋण दिया जाएगा. महिला सारथी योजना के तहत पहले चरण में देहरादून, हरिद्वार, ऊधमसिंह नगर और नैनीताल जिले से योजना की शुरुआत होगी. महिला सशक्तिकरण एवं बाल विकास विभाग के निदेशक प्रशांत आर्य के मुताबिक केंद्र सरकार की ओर से निर्भया फंड से इस योजना को वित्त पोषित किया जाएगा. योजना को लेकर विभाग की तीन बैठकें हो चुकी परिवहन विभाग इस तरह की महिला-बालिकाओं को वाहन चलाने का मुफ्त प्रशिक्षण और लाइसेंस देगा. इससे महिलाएं और बालिकाएं सशक्त होंगी. महिला सारथी योजना के तहत शुरुआत में चार जिलों में 200 महिलाओं को इस योजना से लाभान्वित करने का लक्ष्य रखा गया है, योजना को लेकर विभाग की तीन बैठकें हो चुकी हैं. दो जुलाई 2024 को मुख्यमंत्री पुष्कर सिंह धामी की अध्यक्षता में हुई बैठक में भी इस मसले पर अधिकारियों ने जानकारी दी थी, पहले चरण के बाद योजना को अन्य जिलों में भी शुरू किया जाएगा. महिला-किशोरियों में सुरक्षा का भाव पैदा होगा मुख्यमंत्री के विजन 2025 के लिए विभाग की ओर से इस नवाचारी योजना का प्रस्ताव है. योजना को केंद्र सरकार के निर्भया फंड से पोषित किया जाएगा. इससे जहां एक और महिला-किशोरियों में सुरक्षा का भाव पैदा होगा. वहीं, दूसरी ओर वे आर्थिक रूप से सशक्त होंगी. इस योजना के चलते प्रदेश की कई महिलाएं हैं. जिन्हें स्वरोजगार का मौका मिलेगा. साथ ही उन्हें अपने परिवार को चलाने के लिए सरकार एक मौका देने जा रही है. उत्तराखंड सरकार का मानना है कि प्रदेश की महिलाएं जितनी सशक्त और मजबूत होगी प्रदेश उतना ही तरक्की करेगा. Source — ABP News

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“RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das Announces New ‘Unified Lending Interface’ for Frictionless Credit During RBI@90 Conference”​

Latest Updates “RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das Announces New ‘Unified Lending Interface’ for Frictionless Credit During RBI@90 Conference” At a recent keynote address during the Global Conference on Digital Public Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies in Bangalore, as part of the RBI@90 initiative, RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das unveiled an innovative development in India’s financial infrastructure: the Unified Lending Interface (ULI). This new platform, currently in its pilot stage, is set to revolutionize the way credit is extended across the nation by introducing a “frictionless credit” system. Governor Das highlighted that the ULI is designed to simplify and streamline the process of securing loans, making it quicker and more accessible for individuals and businesses alike. By reducing the complexities traditionally associated with loan applications, the ULI aims to enhance the efficiency of the banking sector and improve the overall user experience. This initiative reflects the Reserve Bank of India’s ongoing commitment to integrating advanced technologies into the financial system, thereby promoting greater economic inclusivity and supporting sustainable growth. The ULI’s nationwide launch, expected soon, is anticipated to have a significant impact on the availability and accessibility of credit, fostering entrepreneurial ventures and stimulating economic activity across various sectors. As the platform moves from pilot to full implementation, it promises to set a new standard for lending in India, aligning with global trends in digital banking and finance. This initiative not only underscores the RBI’s role in shaping the future of India’s financial landscape but also highlights its proactive approach in adopting emerging technologies to meet the evolving needs of the economy. Button

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10 Essential Skills Every Entrepreneur Needs to Succeed in 2024

Entrepreneurship is an ever-evolving field, demanding a diverse set of skills that must adapt to changing markets, technologies, and consumer behaviors. As we move further into 2024, the landscape for entrepreneurs continues to shift. Here are ten essential skills that every entrepreneur needs to succeed this year. 1. Digital Literacy In 2024, digital literacy isn’t just an advantage; it’s a necessity. Entrepreneurs must be adept at using digital tools and platforms to streamline operations, engage with customers, and analyze data. This includes proficiency in social media, digital marketing, and understanding analytics to make informed decisions. Staying updated with the latest digital trends and technologies will give entrepreneurs a competitive edge. 2. Financial Acumen Understanding financial fundamentals is crucial for any entrepreneur. This includes budgeting, forecasting, financial analysis, and understanding key financial statements such as balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. Entrepreneurs must be able to manage their finances effectively, ensuring that they can sustain their business and plan for growth. 3. Adaptability and Flexibility The business environment is constantly changing, and entrepreneurs must be able to adapt quickly. Whether it’s a shift in market demand, new regulations, or technological advancements, being flexible and adaptable allows entrepreneurs to pivot their strategies and stay ahead of the competition. This skill is particularly important in 2024, where change is the only constant. 4. Strategic Thinking Strategic thinking involves setting long-term goals and devising plans to achieve them. Entrepreneurs must be able to see the big picture, anticipate market trends, and make decisions that align with their overall vision. This skill helps in navigating through uncertainties and making informed choices that propel the business forward. 5. Leadership and Team Management Building and leading a successful team is a cornerstone of entrepreneurship. Effective leadership involves motivating employees, fostering a positive work culture, and managing conflicts. Entrepreneurs need to develop strong communication skills, emotional intelligence, and the ability to inspire and guide their team towards achieving common goals. 6. Networking Building a strong network is invaluable for entrepreneurs. Networking can lead to new opportunities, partnerships, and mentorship. Entrepreneurs should actively seek to connect with industry peers, potential clients, investors, and thought leaders. Attending conferences, joining professional associations, and participating in online forums are great ways to expand one’s network. 7. Customer Focus Understanding and meeting customer needs is fundamental to any business. Entrepreneurs must develop strong customer service skills and the ability to gather and interpret customer feedback. This involves creating a customer-centric culture, where the business consistently delivers value and exceptional experiences to its customers. 8. Marketing and Sales Effective marketing and sales strategies are critical for business growth. Entrepreneurs must be skilled in creating compelling value propositions, identifying target markets, and developing campaigns that drive sales. This includes both online and offline marketing techniques, understanding consumer behavior, and leveraging digital tools for outreach and engagement. 9. Innovation and Creativity Innovation drives differentiation in the marketplace. Entrepreneurs need to cultivate a mindset that embraces creativity and innovation. This means continuously seeking new ways to improve products, services, and processes. Encouraging a culture of innovation within the team can lead to groundbreaking ideas and solutions that set the business apart from competitors. 10. Resilience and Perseverance The entrepreneurial journey is fraught with challenges and setbacks. Resilience and perseverance are essential traits for overcoming obstacles and maintaining focus on long-term goals. Entrepreneurs must develop the ability to bounce back from failures, learn from mistakes, and keep pushing forward despite difficulties. Conclusion Success in 2024 requires a holistic approach, where entrepreneurs are well-rounded and adaptable. By developing these ten essential skills—digital literacy, financial acumen, adaptability, strategic thinking, leadership, networking, customer focus, marketing, innovation, and resilience—entrepreneurs can navigate the complexities of the modern business world and achieve lasting success. In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and shifting market dynamics, continuous learning and development are crucial. Entrepreneurs must remain curious, proactive, and dedicated to refining their skills. By doing so, they will not only thrive in 2024 but also pave the way for sustained growth and innovation in the years to come.

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Digi Saheli

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: The Rise of Digi Saheli In today’s digital age, the power of technology is transforming lives and industries around the globe. In India, the Chamber of Business and Entrepreneur (India) Council (CBEIC) is harnessing this power to drive socio-economic change, particularly for women. One of the most impactful initiatives spearheaded by CBEIC is the Digi Saheli program. This innovative platform is designed to empower women entrepreneurs by providing them with the digital tools, skills, and support they need to succeed in the modern business landscape. What is Digi Saheli? Digi Saheli is a comprehensive digital empowerment program aimed at equipping women entrepreneurs with essential digital skills and resources. The initiative focuses on fostering entrepreneurship among women, especially in rural and semi-urban areas, by providing access to digital technologies and training. The program is structured to help women leverage digital tools to start, manage, and grow their businesses effectively. Objectives of Digi Saheli The core objectives of Digi Saheli include: Key Components of Digi Saheli 1. Digital Training and Workshops: Digi Saheli offers a range of training sessions and workshops focused on digital skills. These include basic computer literacy, internet usage, social media marketing, e-commerce, and online financial transactions. The training is designed to be accessible and practical, enabling women to apply their new skills directly to their businesses. 2. E-Commerce Integration: One of the significant barriers for women entrepreneurs is access to broader markets. Digi Saheli addresses this by helping women set up online stores and understand the dynamics of e-commerce. The program provides guidance on creating compelling product listings, managing online sales, and reaching customers through digital marketing. 3. Financial Literacy Programs: Financial literacy is crucial for business success. Digi Saheli includes modules on budgeting, financial planning, and using digital payment systems. Women entrepreneurs learn how to manage their finances effectively, access loans, and utilize various financial tools to support their business growth. 4. Mentorship and Networking: Digi Saheli fosters a community of women entrepreneurs who can support and learn from each other. The program connects participants with experienced mentors who provide guidance and share their entrepreneurial journeys. Networking events and online forums also offer opportunities for collaboration and peer learning. 5. Continuous Support and Resources: The journey of entrepreneurship does not end with the initial training. Digi Saheli ensures continuous support through regular updates, advanced training sessions, and access to resources such as templates, toolkits, and industry insights. This ongoing support helps women stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in digital business. Impact of Digi Saheli Since its inception, Digi Saheli has had a profound impact on the lives of many women entrepreneurs across India. Here are some of the notable achievements: Success Stories Jyoti’s Handicrafts: Jyoti, a participant from a small village in Uttar Pradesh, transformed her local handicrafts business by joining Digi Saheli. With training in e-commerce and digital marketing, she set up an online store and started selling her products nationwide. Her business has seen remarkable growth, and she now employs several women from her village, creating local employment opportunities. Anita’s Organic Farm: Anita, an organic farmer from Bihar, used to struggle with limited market access and low sales. Through Digi Saheli, she learned how to use social media to promote her products and connected with online marketplaces. Today, Anita’s organic produce is in high demand, and she has expanded her farm to meet the growing orders. The Future of Digi Saheli CBEIC envisions Digi Saheli as a catalyst for widespread change, aiming to reach more women entrepreneurs across the country. The program plans to expand its offerings, incorporating advanced digital technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain to further empower women in business. By continuously evolving and adapting to the changing digital landscape, Digi Saheli will continue to pave the way for women entrepreneurs, driving economic growth and gender equality. Conclusion Digi Saheli stands as a testament to the transformative power of digital technology in empowering women entrepreneurs. By providing essential skills, resources, and support, CBEIC is enabling women to break barriers and achieve their entrepreneurial dreams. As more women embrace digital entrepreneurship, the program’s impact will resonate throughout India, fostering a more inclusive and prosperous society.

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Mahila Saarthi

Mahila Saarthi: Empowering Women, Enhancing Mobility Mahila Saarthi is a transformative initiative designed to empower women by providing them with employment opportunities and ensuring safe, reliable transportation for female passengers. Our app-based platform offers a range of services including ride-sharing, parcel delivery, e-commerce, and Medicare delivery, all executed by women for women. Our Mission To create a secure and empowering environment for women by providing employment opportunities and enhancing their mobility and economic independence. Our Vision To foster a society where women can thrive, achieve economic self-reliance, and experience safe and dignified travel. Our Services Ride-Sharing: Safe and convenient rides with female drivers for female passengers. Parcel Delivery: Reliable and timely delivery services operated by women. E-Commerce: A platform for women to access a variety of products and services. Medicare Delivery: Ensuring timely delivery of medical supplies to those in need, managed by women. Why Choose Mahila Saarthi? Empowerment: Providing women with economic opportunities and boosting their confidence. Safety: Prioritizing the safety and security of female passengers and drivers. Convenience: Offering a range of services to meet everyday needs efficiently. Community: Building a supportive network of women helping women.

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Empowering Entrepreneurs: The Role of the Chamber of Business and Entrepreneur (India) Council

Empowering Entrepreneurs: The Role of the Chamber of Business and Entrepreneur (India) Council In the dynamic and rapidly evolving landscape of Indian business, the Chamber of Business and Entrepreneur (India) Council (CBEIC) stands as a beacon of support and innovation for entrepreneurs across the nation. As a premier organization dedicated to fostering economic growth, supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and promoting sustainable business practices, CBEIC plays a crucial role in shaping the future of entrepreneurship in India. A Legacy of Excellence CBEIC’s journey is marked by a legacy of excellence and a commitment to the entrepreneurial spirit. With a diverse membership base that includes leading industrial organizations, financial institutions, and governmental bodies, CBEIC leverages its collective expertise to provide comprehensive support to businesses at every stage of their growth. Nationwide Reach One of the standout features of CBEIC is its extensive network that spans across Pan India. With over 200 district centers, 5000+ Panchayat centers, four regional offices, and 20 state offices, CBEIC ensures that even the most remote locations have access to its resources and support. This widespread presence allows the organization to offer high-quality survey and investigation services, among other initiatives, to clients nationwide. Strategic Government Partnerships CBEIC’s strong relationships with various government departments and agencies are a testament to its influence and effectiveness. These partnerships enable CBEIC to advocate for favorable policies, provide timely updates on regulatory changes, and secure support for its members’ initiatives. By aligning its services with the needs of government agencies and private enterprises, CBEIC ensures that its members are well-positioned to capitalize on new opportunities. Industry-Leading Programs CBEIC runs several nationally recognized programs designed to promote entrepreneurship, innovation, and sustainability. These include: EV Charging Station Survey Program: As the demand for electric vehicles (EVs) grows, CBEIC is at the forefront of facilitating the expansion of EV charging infrastructure across India. This program helps identify optimal locations for charging stations, ensuring that the country is ready for a green and sustainable future. ZED Certification Program: In partnership with the Quality Council of India (QCI), CBEIC offers the Zero Defect Zero Effect (ZED) Certification Program. This initiative promotes manufacturing excellence and environmental responsibility, helping businesses improve their processes and reduce waste. Lean Certification Program: Also in collaboration with QCI, the Lean Certification Program aims to enhance operational efficiency and productivity in SMEs. By adopting lean principles, businesses can streamline their operations, reduce costs, and increase profitability. Self-Defense and POCSO Training: CBEIC is committed to the safety and empowerment of individuals, especially women and children. Through self-defense training and awareness programs on the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act, CBEIC ensures that communities are better equipped to protect themselves. Focus on Sustainability and Innovation In today’s global market, sustainability and innovation are not just buzzwords; they are essential components of long-term business success. CBEIC’s involvement in carbon credit projects and partnerships in the EV charging sector underscores its commitment to environmental sustainability. By promoting research and development, CBEIC helps businesses stay ahead of the curve and adapt to the ever-changing market dynamics. Empowering Entrepreneurs Through Training and Development At CBEIC, we believe that continuous learning is key to entrepreneurial success. Our entrepreneurship training programs, workshops, and certification courses are designed to enhance skills, foster innovation, and drive business growth. These programs are accessible to all members, ensuring they stay competitive and capable of overcoming challenges in their respective industries. A Proven Track Record CBEIC’s history is filled with success stories of businesses that have grown and thrived with our support. From helping startups find their footing to enabling established enterprises to expand their operations, our initiatives have consistently delivered positive results. Our efforts have not only driven economic growth but also created a conducive environment for innovation and development. Collaborative Environment We foster a collaborative environment where businesses can connect, share knowledge, and form strategic alliances. Our events, conferences, and networking opportunities provide a platform for members to engage with industry leaders, government officials, and other entrepreneurs. This collaborative spirit is at the heart of CBEIC’s mission to drive collective growth and success. Advocacy and Representation As a premier business organization, CBEIC represents the interests of its members at various levels. We advocate for policies that promote business growth, innovation, and sustainability. Our efforts ensure that the voice of the entrepreneurial community is heard and considered in policy-making processes, leading to a more favorable business environment. Join Us in Shaping the Future By joining CBEIC, you gain access to a wealth of resources, expert guidance, and a supportive network that is committed to your success. Whether you are a startup looking for mentorship or an established business seeking to expand, CBEIC is here to support you every step of the way. Join us in our mission to drive economic growth, support entrepreneurship, and build a prosperous future for India. Together, we can achieve great things and create a thriving ecosystem for businesses across the country.  

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